What is Already Vaped Bud?

Already Vaped Bud (AVB) as the name suggests is weed that has already been vaped once through the use of a vaporizer.

The way that it works is that a dry herb vaporizer is filled with ground-up cannabis and the vape coil is used to heat it up to temperatures of 157 to 227 degrees Celsius.

The heat is a critical component in being able to release the THC and CBD in weed by converting them from acid to non-acid to produce a vapor of flavonoids, cannabinoids, and terpenes. This process is known as decarboxylation (decarbing), and it occurs at specific temperatures which are ideal for vaping weed.

The dark brown colored flower left after vaping marijuana is called Already Vaped Bud.

Does Already Vaped Bud have any psychoactive properties left?

Already Vaped Bud has a dry, crisp, and wrinkly texture compared to fresh cannabis flower.

It is a much darker shade of brown and smells like burnt popcorn. This change in appearance and odor may lead most people to believe that their Already Vaped Bud should be tossed in the trash because all of its psychoactive properties have been used up.

While it is true that most of the CBD and THC in your cannabis is consumed in your first vaping session, there is still a significant amount of cannabinoids left which are worth salvaging.

Throwing your Already Vaped Bud is a total waste of weed because you can still use it in unique ways, such as making edibles, water curing it, and concocting tinctures.

How does Already Vaped Bud work?

Ingesting raw cannabis or juicing it will not have any mind-altering effects on you. For THC and CBD to be made available for bodily absorption, marijuana needs to be heated if you want to induce its psychoactive effects. This reason is why cannabis is traditionally smoked or vaped in the first place.

Heat ‘decarbs’ the cannabis flower to convert THCA into THC, which can better fit into our cannabinoid receptors to experience a high. The same logic applies to Already Vaped Bud, and how it can be utilized even after being consumed once.

However, vaping does not burn away all the THC or CBD in your cannabis flower-like how smoking does. You can still use your Already Vaped Bud to get the most out of your stash.

Photo by theHaze from thehaze.blog

How to use your Already Vaped Bud?

Here are some creative ways to make use of your Already Vaped Bud:


To make edibles, you would typically have to heat your cannabis and oil mixture in the oven for several hours at a stretch. This process is extremely time-consuming and requires plenty of patience.

Fortunately, you do not have to worry about it if you want to consume your Already Vaped Bud. Vaping your marijuana flower in itself is a form of decarboxylation that has already activated the THC in your cannabis, allowing you to skip the ‘decarbing’ process.

For making your Already Vaped Bud edibles, you can directly move onto infusing it with butter or coconut oil.

Here is how you can make cannabutter from your Already Vaped Bud:

  • Pour four cups of water into a pot, and bring it to a boil. Add in the butter or coconut oil (vegan-friendly option) to your boiling water.
  • Make sure that the butter has completely melted before you add in your Already Vaped Bud. Lower the heat and cook your mixture for three hours. The goal is to slowly heat the mixture without burning the plant material of your Already Vaped Bud. (Pro Tip: Using a crockpot can help deliver optimum heat!)
  • You will know that your mixture is ready when it has become incredibly viscous, and the top layer has a glossy appearance.
  • Strain the mixture and pour it into a bowl. Be careful to ensure that pieces of your Already Vaped Bud do not find their way into your strained mixture.
  • Let your strained mixture cool down in a dark place at room temperature for an hour before you put it in the fridge.
  • After your mixture has completely solidified, separate it from the water with the help of a knife. Store your cannabutter in an airtight container.

Cannabutter is an exceptionally versatile psychoactive ingredient. Substitute any recipe that requires oil or butter with cannabutter to create delicious edibles!

Water Curing

Water curing is a method that involves soaking your Already Vaped Bud in water for a few days to help it taste better by getting rid of the combustibles in weed.

However, you need to have at least an ounce of Already Vaped Bud saved up for water curing to be worth the time and effort that you put into it.

Wrap your Already Vaped Bud in a cheesecloth, tie the top with a string and place it in a pan of water. Replace the water every 4 – 6 hours. You will have to do this for 4 – 7 days to get rid of the stench and bitter taste of your bud, leaving behind a flavorless product near the end.

Once the water curing process is complete, lay out your bud on a baking tray and place it in an oven preheated at 90 – 95 degrees Celsius for two hours. Pull out your tray every half an hour to mix around your weed to help it dry out completely.

Is it worth it?

While time-consuming, water curing is an exceptionally effective means of preparing your Already Vaped Bud to smoke it, re-vape it, make edibles or add to food directly.


Already Vaped Bud can also be used to prepare tinctures with alcohol.

Mix your weed in an alcoholic beverage that is at least 90 proof (try vodka) and let it sit for a few hours, or even days. You will then want to strain the mixture with a cheesecloth and pour it into a clean dropper bottle.

Store your dropper bottle in a cool and dry location.

Once you’re ready to get high, you can administer the psychoactive properties of the tincture by placing a few drops under your tongue and holding them there for 30 seconds. You will begin feeling the effects of the Already Vaped Bud cannabinoids in as little as 15 minutes, which will last for hours.

(Pro tip: It is recommended that you water cure your Already Vaped Bud before you use it to make a tincture.)

Other ways to make use of your Already Vaped Bud

Not a huge fan of tinctures and edibles? Find water curing to be an extreme test of patience? Here is a quick list of simple ways to make use of your Already Vaped Bud:

  • You can smoke your Already Vaped Bud by rolling it into a joint. However, you won’t find it to be particularly flavorsome.
  • Already Vaped Bud can be added to your morning tea or coffee. Just prepare it like you normally would, and add in your cannabis flower. Use a spoon to help it swirl around and release-activated THC before you strain it out into a cup. It won’t taste great, but it will deliver that morning buzz you’re craving!
  • Water cured Already Vaped Bud can be sprinkled onto your food, and you will not be able to tell the difference. This quick hack can help you utilize your bud if you’re feeling especially lazy or do not have much time on your hands.

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